For the next restaurant in the revue I decided to try something new. It turned out to be Mykonos, which is Greek style food. I was hoping that I might get to see the Fleet Foxes eating there, but no dice. As I approached the restaurant to my horror I saw this.

Pictures of the food dishes. It got even worse, once inside you see that there is an entire wall covered with pictures of their food. As you approach the counter you are once again subjected to these same pictures, just smaller. One of my golden rules of thumb is to never eat at places that display pictures of their food dishes. Unfortunately I was committed so I steeled myself and plunged on. I thought I might try one of their specials.

I did find out one reason they have all the pictures, when asking what the Beef Kufte was the guy at the counter said a lot of words that were unintelligible and pointed to a picture. I had no idea what his comments were, but the picture showed some nice looking chicken on a stick and some nice looking steak on a stick, along with something else that I could not quite make out. Looked as good as anything so I ordered the Kufte. It turned out to be pretty cheap, $6, so I was feeling a little better about the lunch. It was nice outside so out I went to wait for my lunch.
Here was my view from the tables.

One thing you can say about San Ramon is that there is plenty of free parking. I think that would be a good slogan for the City, "Come to San Ramon - Plenty of Free Parking, no driving around in circles for hours looking for parking and then finally throwing up your arms and park illegally and get your car towed" I think that would be an excellent slogan.
When the lunch was finally ready it looked nothing at all like the picture. No chicken, no steak, just two objects shaped like turds. I had to go back and re-look at the picture the guy was pointing at to see why he showed me that picture. And yes there were indeed two turd like objects in the picture, just none of the other items.
The turd like objects were on top of some rice and a side salad. You also got two plastic cups filled with two types of sauce, a red and a white sauce. At this point I was pretty hungry so I was ready to eat. I cut into the turd which was a lot firmer than I expected, and into my mouth it went. It was some sort of fennel tasting ground beef. It was very sausage like. The rice was fine, the salad was fine, the portions very small. Not really my type of place.
If you like pictures of food, want something pretty cheap and are on a diet, try out Mykonos. Heck you might get lucky and see the Fleet Foxes.
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