Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Imperial Delight - 1/2 Right

You can approach Imperial Delight from two ways, we approached down a side street and were treated to their sign.  I am a sucker for restaurant signs that hang like that.  I think the reason I do is that these signs have such a strong association with pubs.  In fact these signs bias me so much in favor of the restaurant that even if the food is not all that good I will still enjoy it.

As it turned out this was the best feature about the restaurant.

Chinese restaurants are know for turning the tables and being fairly cheap.  Ding and dong.  We did get off to a bad start when after ordering, the waitress came back and wanted to confirm that one of my lunch-mates had indeed wanted the beef.  He of course had ordered the chicken.  This theme would return.

The restaurant was teeming so I was holding out hope that the food would exceed my expectations.  My lunch came first and although I had ordered some unpronounceable chicken dish I was served an unpronounceable beef dish.  I told the server that I had ordered chicken, but she was having none of this.  She kept on scowling at me and proffering the beef to me.   It was clear she did not want to take the dish back and was willing to fight me  about it.  They must have to pay for wasted food out of their own pocket.  Although I would not be surprised if they just dumped it back into the community pot. She finally relented and disappeared into the back.

99.99% of chinese restaurants are bad.  I think they all go to the same cooking school.  The school of turning meat into a rubbery consistency with no taste  that is dowsed in a brown sauce that within a 1/2 hour turns to gelatin.  This place was no exception.  

The further away you get from your meal the worse you feel.  When you first start eating and the strange meat and sauce is still liquid and hot it is edible.  5 minutes into the meal you start to wonder why you came here in the first place.  After the meal I get the same feeling I have after bowling, that my whole body is covered in a thin layer of grease.  I craved a shower and a mouth rinse.  

Here is the only time the food is good, before your first bite.

Not only is the food awful, but within a 1/2 you are hungry again.  Unfortunately the grease and smell stays with you a lot longer, so you really don't feel like eating even though you are hungry.  At least I had the stale fortune cookies to look forward to.

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